What do you want to learn about today?
Ground, centring, self care in a turbulent time
During times of turmoil and ambiguity, we can become unsettled, anxious, and disconnected from the anchors that we draw emotional strength from. During our recent periods of lock downs more than one-third of Australians felt disconnected from family and friends....
Sunday Funday v Sunday Scaries
I’m sure many people aren’t fans of Monday mornings. How about Sunday afternoons? Turns out those feelings of worry and anxiety through to overwhelm and dread that start mid to late afternoon on a Sunday are experienced by many people. Whether you call them Sunday...
Goal setting, micro moves, visibility & accountability
Everyone has 50 million things to do. And yet some people manage to get a stack load of stuff done. And we all have the same 24 hours in a day. It got me thinking why them and not others? But … insert really plausible reasons why you aren’t achieving your goals …...